The Greater Manchester Pathology Network statement of work commits to:

  1. Design and create a Greater Manchester Pathology Network which serves as a representative of all provider sites
  2. Provide an appropriate governance structure to support transformational work of Pathology services at each of the NHS provider sites
  3. Produce a strategic outline case and full business case to describe the operating model for the Pathology network 
  4. Develop and implement a Greater Manchester Digital Pathology strategy and business case which will provide an integrated digital infrastructure across GM Cellular Pathology services
  5. Lead on and engage relevant stakeholders on the development of a blueprint including coordinated procurement and alignment of the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) which is an interoperable operating model and serve all providers within the GM Pathology network.  
  6. Work with regional workforce leads to perform a diagnostic check on current workforce and develop a shared pathology workforce strategy which seeks to standardise jobs and responsibilities across the Pathology disciplines
  7. Understand the feasibility and functionality of developing a Greater Manchester Pathology data dashboard to provide a helicopter view of capacity and demand and present this data back to influence decision making
  8. Develop a shared capital equipment plan that addresses ownership and replacement of assets and investment needed to manage diagnostic growth
  9. Act as a collaborative influence for the procurement of Greater Manchester owned assets, provider owned equipment, consumable and outsourcing contracts
  10. Influence and shape the Community Diagnostic Hub Programme for Greater Manchester and work in partnership with the GM Imaging Network to co-ordinate a local approach to deliver an overall CDC model for GM. 
  11. Work closely with the Northwest Regional Pathology networks to meet and deliver the regional and national demands of Greater Manchester.