The new Health and Care Act 2022 sets out legislative changes required to enable health and care to work more closely together.

In Greater Manchester, it has long been our ambition to improve the way services work together. The reform will support us locally by removing some of the legal rules that can get in the way of truly joining up care.

A duty to collaborate will be created to promote joint working across healthcare, public health, and social care. The duty will apply to both NHS organisations and local authorities. There will also be a focus on removing the legislation that hinders collaboration and joint decision-making.

In effect, the reforms give us the opportunity to make our vision a reality. However, while legislation can help to create the right conditions, it will be our hard work that will make the biggest difference.

A shared duty to have regard for the ‘triple aim’ of better health and wellbeing for everyone, better care for all people and sustainable use of NHS resources is the key driver.