The Greater Manchester Provider Pharmacy  Delivery Team includes:

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Rob commenced the Programme Management Pharmacist role, leading on regional Greater Manchester transformation in 2019.  Rob leads a tightknit team on an extensive portfolio of pharmacy transformation workstreams on behalf of the Provider Chief Pharmacists in the Greater Manchester footprint.  Most recently supporting the GM Aseptics Pathfinder Hub programme and previously the GM Hospital Pharmacy Supply Chain and Distribution Hub programme, Rob has worked at multiple acute trusts across Greater Manchester, in numerous specialties as a clinical pharmacist and leader.  With nearly 20 years’ pharmacist experience in both NHS and private sectors, Rob is an advocate for excellence of all pharmacy roles and sectors of the acute provider pharmacy workforce and strives to push forward and champion the acute pharmacy agenda to enhance patient care. 

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Jo started her NHS career as PA to the chief executive in a mental health trust, following on from a career in the commercial and charity sectors.  Her first introduction to project management was while in roles in Patient Safety and Medicines Management, for local quality improvement and savings projects. Jo then progressed to a project manager post in Health Innovation Manchester, with dementia detection and diagnosis, Research and Development, cardiovascular and digital projects in her portfolio. Jo joined the GM Pharmacy programme in 2019 and has driven large-scale projects forward with momentum and engagement. 

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Mike has worked in the NHS since the mid-1980s, firstly in the community but mainly in acute care. After five years in acute Clinical Audit he moved into Informatics where he led the deployment of the first Electronic Patient Record (ePR) system at Salford (now part of the Northern Care Alliance). After a spell at the Northwest SHA during the National Programme for IT, he worked at Wythenshawe hospital on their ePR deployment and St. Helens and Knowsley where he led the introduction of ePMA before joining The Christie in 2019. At The Christie, he is a Senior Digital Project Manager providing IT support to the GM Pharmacy Programme as well as overseeing internal projects such as electronic Pathology test requesting (Order Comms).

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Kieron joined the NHS in 2019 in a Project Administration role at the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership where he gained experience of regional transformation projects focused on clinical and corporate services. From there Kieron has held Project Support Officer roles in Clinical and Corporate Services, Adult Social Care and most recently the GM Pharmacy Programme. Kieron has experience of projects that require large scale change, most recently through the GM Aseptics Hub Pathfinder programme.