What is the GM Provider Pharmacy Delivery Partnership (GMPPDP)

GMPPDP is responsible for delivering Lord Carter’s hospital pharmacy recommendations across Greater Manchester (GM). Reviewing those pharmacy services categorised as ‘infrastructure’ by Lord Carter is the priority for GMPPDP and workstreams are fully established scoping, supporting and delivering hospital pharmacy transformation across the region.

The group was originally formed in 2016 and has developed programmes of work, looking at the supply chain for GM medicines and the GM Aseptics Hub. It consists of Chief Pharmacists from NHS organisations across Greater Manchester with an associate member of East Cheshire NHS Foundation Trust. 

The Partnership is working together to deliver the GM Provider Pharmacy Programme, which aims to improve hospital pharmacy services in GM as part of the wider agenda of improving safety, efficiency and savings. The ‘Your medicines matter’ campaign is being delivered by the GMPPDP as part of the GM Pharmacy Programme.